The National Honor Society is a nationwide service organization which exists in most high schools around the country.
Current NHS members should check the Calendar for upcoming events & important forms.
Students interested in membership should read the information in the link 'Becoming a Member' to the left.--------------------------
At different times throughout the year, CB South students receive letters from organizations whose names sound very similar to the National Honor Society. These organizations frequently charge a fee for membership. It is important for CB South students to know that there is one and only National Honor Society, and we do not charge membership fees.For example, the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) is NOT the National Honor Society.
If you have any questions about the value of joining those organizations, we suggest you speak to your school counselor before you pay any membership fees.
If you have any questions about joining the CB South chapter of the National Honor Society, click on the link "Becoming a Member" on the left side of this page.
-----------------------------MEMBER NOTES:
MISSED MEETINGSAll members are required to attend all meetings. Sports practices and work are not considered acceptable excuses. Our schedule of meetings are published on our calendar far in advance, so you should make arrangements to be at every meeting. If a meeting has to be missed because of an emergency or a game, members have 2 days to pick up and sign for the minutes in Mrs. Barrett's Office in order to receive credit for the meeting. If minutes are not picked up within 48 hours of returning to school after a missed meeting, one additional hours of service will be required in order to maintain membership.
GOOD CHARACTER POLICYInstances of cheating, plagiarism, intentional dishonesty, and violations of school rules at CB South require subject teachers to fill out a disciplinary form and submit the infraction to Security. Any NHS student who has a record of academic dishonesty or violations of school policy is in jeopardy of facing dismissal from the National Honor Society. One of the four tenets of NHS membership is character, which has been defined in the following manner: "No record of cheating or plagiarism, intentional dishonesty, violating school rules or having civil or criminal offenses in the community."
(constitute CBS NHS bylaws)
Membership in the C.B. South National Honor Society is both an honor and a commitment to the demonstration of scholarship, service, leadership, & character. Maintaining one's membership is dependent upon the continuous demonstration of these qualities that earned each member's selection.
Please note that all members will:
1) Maintain the necessary 3.7 cumulative weighted GPA.
2) Attend all meetings, or pick up the minutes within two school days for equivalent credit.*
3) Participate in 20 hours of NHS-sponsored projects or activities with our school and community partners. For clarification on what constitutes acceptable service, please read the 'Service Hours PPT' which is a recap of information presented at the first NHS meeting every year. Members are expected to continue community service activities on their own, but only 4 hours of outside service can count towards the 20 hours of required service. To get credit for these 4 'flex' hours, members must submit an Hours Verification form signed by an adult who is not a family member. There are hundreds of hours available to our members through our own signup calendar.
NOTE: Seniors must complete their hours one month prior to Graduation; Juniors have until the last day of school.4) Adhere to all 一本道 Bucks rules & policies.
In the event that a member fails to comply with any of these requirements, the South Faculty Selection Council will review his or her membership status with the intent to dismiss. If a Junior fails to meet these requirements, he or she may be required to relinquish membership and will not be able to reapply. Any Senior who fails to meet these requirements may be required to relinquish membership and will not be honored as a NHS member at the graduation ceremony.
Students whose grades fall below a 3.7 GPA will have one marking period in which to raise his/her grades to be in compliance with our chapter's requirement. A member's rolling cumulative GPA at the end of the next marking period will be used as the benchmark for compliance.
*Note: All meetings are mandatory. Other club meetings and/or sports do not take precedence over NHS meetings. Expect that meetings will last 30 minutes. Additionally, it is a member's responsibility to see Mrs. Barrett within two days after a missed meeting for the minutes and to provide a valid excuse for missing the meeting. Only after picking up the minutes within 48 hours, will members receive credit for the meeting. Failure to pick up minutes will result in 1 extra hour of service being required for membership maintenance.---------------------------------------------
NHS maintains policies and practices that are designed to prevent discrimination against any qualified candidate on the basis of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, and disability. This policy of nondiscrimination applies to all practices, including the selection, discipline, and dismissal of members.