
    Welcome to the Attendance Policies and Procedures


    Please be aware that as of February 2020, PA Legislation (Act 138) has been revised. Act 138 stipulates that after three (3) days of unlawful absences (including unexcused absences) within one school year, parents will receive a letter from their child's school outlining the consequences of habitual truancy and inviting them to a School Attendance Improvement Conference (as required of schools per the legislation).  Additional absences may result in a referral to a school-based attendance improvement program, referral to Bucks County Children and Youth Services, and/or a citation for violating compulsory attendance laws.  Penalties for conviction include fines of up to $750.00 for each offense. 一本道 Bucks School 一本道 attendance policies conform to the Pennsylvania School Code sections 1326 to 1333 dealing with compulsory school attendance. 

     "Every child of compulsory school age having a legal residence in this Commonwealth...is required to attend a day school in which the subjects and activities prescribed by the standards of the State Board of Education are taught". 



    Reporting Absences and Late Arrivals/Early Departures

    • Parents and guardians will be able to submit absence requests via the . Parents can request a full day absence, early dismissal, or late arrival. 
    • Absence requests will be reviewed by school attendance staff and approved or denied. Students will not be dismissed from school without proper documentation in the attendance portal.
    • Requests made using the parent portal will also serve as the excuse for the absence. Parents will not be required to submit an excuse either electronic or written. 
    • Parents and guardians may also still call the school to report an absence, but emails will no longer be accepted.? 


    In addition, when a student is absent from school, but the school did not receive communication from the parent or guardian, the following communication will be sent:? 

    • A text message will be sent mid-morning notifying the parent or guardian of the absence 
    • An email will also be sent at the end of the school day reminding the parent or guardian that the student was marked absent. 


    Students may not attend and/or participate in extracurricular school activities on days on which they are absent, whether excused or unexcused, or attend school for less than half of the academic day.




    College Visits, Vacations/Family Trips, Field Trips, & Other Planned Absences

    • At least two weeks before a planned absence, students should pick up a “Request for Approved Absence” form in the Attendance Office 
    • Parent/guardian should fill out the form
    • Student must have each teacher initial the bottom of the form to ensure that plans are made for student to keep current on class assignments while out of school. 
    • Two weeks before planned absence, student must submit completed form to Attendance Office to verify that no more than the allotted days are taken: Juniors and seniors are allotted 3 college visit days per year; all students are allotted 5 vacation/family trip days per year. 
    • No trip will be approved during the first or last five (5) days of a semester, during published state standardized testing dates, or final examination testing times. 
    • All absences, regardless of reason, are included in the cumulative 10 afforded by Pennsylvania Code.


    Missed Work/Assessments 

    • Students are responsible for making up all work/assessments missed as a result of excused absences. If a student will be out for an extended amount of time, parent/guardian should call the student’s school counselor and teachers in advance. 
    • A student is allowed the same number of days to make-up work as the number of days s/he missed for excused absences and lateness. Students are obligated to discuss and arrange plans for make-up work within that time. Any work not made up in that time period may have academic consequences. 
    • If a student is absent on the day of an assessment, they should be prepared to complete the assessment upon their return to school.  It is strongly suggested that students contact their teachers if they are going to be out of school for an absence and to discuss dates/times for completion of their assessment. 



    Parents are students are encouraged to schedule appointments outside of the school day. If it is not possible to do so, parents and students are required to follow these procedures:

    • Visit the Parent Portal and submit the dismissal note or send a note with the student’s name (printed clearly), date, reason, phone number, and departure time to the Attendance Office.
    • The dismissal note must be logged into the student’s attendance portal before permission will be given to leave.
    • The student must exit via the Front or Back Main Entrance checking in with the staff at the door prior to leaving the building.


     managing student attendance


    Instead of receiving an automated call if your child is absent, the district will be sending a text message to all cell phone numbers you have listed as “guardians” in Infinite Campus.  Please make sure that your cell phone information is updated.  When your child is absent, you will receive a text message at 11:00am.  You will then receive an email at 2:30pm to confirm that your child was absent for the full day.


    For additional information about school attendance please see  .

    Thank you for visiting the CB South Attendance web page and helping us to maintain accurate attendance records for our students. It is our hope that this resource will help home and school work together to support good attendance and success in learning.

    ANY QUESTIONS - please call our Attendance Office at 267-893-3008.   

    To see your student's attendance record, go to the





    Thank you for visiting the South Attendance web page. It is our hope that this resource will help home and school work together to support good attendance and success in learning. You may call the Attendance Office if you have questions: 267-893-3008.