CB South String Orchestra
The 一本道 Bucks High School South String Orchestra is the curricular string ensemble for all students attending CB South. The ensemble performs upper-level high school string literature as well as other generes such as Pop, Broadway and Jazz. The group consits of students from 10th-12th grade. Students must play a string orchestra instrument to enroll in the course. Students who participate in this ensemble perform in concerts each marking period and are presented the opprotunity to travel on the Spring Trip. In the past the orchestra has had the opportunity to perform in various locations such as:
- Boston Symphony Hall, Boston, MA
- San Fransisco Davis Symphony Hall, San Fransisco, CA
- Washington D.C.
- Virginia Beach, VA
- New York, NY
- Los Angeles, CA
- San Diago, CA
- Quebec, ONT
- Toronto, ONT
- Walt Disney World, FL
Members of the CB South String Orchestra are presented the opportunity to audition for Chamber Strings and Pit Orchestra as well as the BCMEA All County Orchestra and PMEA Orchestra Festival.