• Academic Modern World History

    Mrs. Jones

    njones@cbsd.org      x 1890

  • Modern World History is a one-credit, 18 week, academic or honors level Social Studies course. It is a required course that all sophomores who dont take AP European need to pass for graduation. It is a notes intensive course.  It's expected that such students are seeking academically challenging material, are serious about their education, and are motivated to work to the very best of their ability at all times.

Timeline of the Course
  • The Units of Study include:

    I.   Seeds of Change- the emergence of the first Global Age

    II.  Enlightenment and Revolution (1700-1850)

    III. Industrialism and Imperialism: A new age (1800-1914)

    IV. World War I:  Cause and Effect (World Wars and Revolutions (1914-1955)

    V.  Interwar Years:  The Road to War- Nationalism and Revolution (1919-1939)

    VI. World War II and its Aftermath

    VII. The World Since 1945


    Cell phone 

    The use of a cell phone during class, unless directed to do so, is distracting to other classmates, distracting to the teacher, and hinders the ability to learn.  The brain is not designed to multitask.  Having a smartphone nearby decreases a person's available cognitive capacity as detailed in this published study:  by Adrian F. Ward, Kristen Duke, Ayelet Gneezy, and Maarten W. Bos.


    All students in Mrs. Jones’ Social Studies classes are expected to exhibit the following Required Class Behaviors:

    1. Respect members of the class, their ideas, and their property.

    2. Participate actively. Take intellectual risks, for you will learn from your own risk-taking as well as each other. This class thrives on your participation.

    3. Ask whenever you have a question. The only stupid question is the question that goes unasked.” Donald K. Anderson, former Clerk of the United States House of Representatives.

    4. Be prepared everyday – charged computer pen, and pencil, notebook, agenda book/assignment book.

    5. Be in the classroom before the bell rings. Wests lateness policy is strictly enforced.

    6. Bathroom- Use a transition time to get my attention and use the pass. If abused, bathroom privileges will be revoked.


    7. Complete all work to the best of your ability because homework, essays and classwork will help you to obtain the necessary and required skills and knowledge. Also, these learning activities will be evaluated through a combination rubric/points system. Summing all the earned points divided by the total possible points will result in a percent score that will be the marking period grade. Each marking period score will then be calculated as 38% of the final grade and added to the other 14% obtained from the final exam (objective and essay) and 5% each for the two Core Assessments to reach a final course grade. No individual extra credit will be available.

    8. Plagiarism (using anothers words or ideas without giving credit for any reason) is unacceptable. All school and district policies regarding cheating and plagiarism will be followed.

    Assignments / Deadlines:

    At the beginning of each unit (approximately every 2 weeks), a schedule for all work, due dates and deadlines for that unit will be posted on the Canvas calendar.  Students are expected to check the calendar daily and budget their time to complete all assignments on time.  Assignments will be accepted one day late for 50% credit of the grade earned. Major assignments receive a 10% deduction for each day they are late. If you are in school the day an assignment is due, you are responsible to submit it. For major assignments (paper deadlines, etc) the deadlines are firm, and you must submit these assignments on these days regardless of attendance (via a friend or email). These deadlines will be made clear in class.  Missing assignments will not be considered if submitted after the unit test for the unit in which they were due.


    1. There are two related research projects for this course. The first project is a case study related to imperialism (Unit III and VII) and the second project is related to research on a global person not widely known in the US. More detailed information about these projects will be provided later in the course. 

    2. There is a comprehensive final exam consisting of 50 multiple choice questions worth 60% of the final exam grade. In addition, there is a final exam essay question worth 40% of the final exam grade. This essay question will be given out at the beginning of the course. You will be required to write this essay in class without the aid of any rough draft or notes.

    4. Each unit of study will be assessed with a unit exam consisting of multiple choice and free response questions.  There will also usually be a unit project assigned to assess content understanding and thinking skills.

    Test make-ups - if a student has an excused absence on the day of a test, the student will be prepared to take the test the first Lunch and Learn after the student returns to school. (Significant difficulties which may arise that hinder completion of the make-up times must immediately be communicated to Mrs. Jones via e-mail prior to return to school so that special accomodations can be made - make ups will not occur in class) If a student does not make up the test at these times, the student will have not demonstrated understanding and thus earn no credit for the test.

    There is no extra credit, but there will be mastery learning redemption opportunities pursuant to the CB West Social Studies guidelines for this course.


    Want to score an A” this year? Im here to help. Heres a breakdown of what makes up your final grade.

    1. MP1/ MP2: This includes tests, quizzes, projects, HW, CW     88%
    2. Core 1: Research, PPT, and Primary Source on Imperialism      3%
    3. Core 2: Research and Magazine Articles on Decolonization       3%
    4. Final Exam:                                                                                   8%


    Here's how YOU can help!

    1. Be prepared: Notebook (for notes), folder (for handouts), textbook
    2. Participate: Take notes, ask questions, get involved, help!
    3. Have a strong work ethic: Turn in classwork and homework on time; Be proactive in making up work and getting missed materials from absences; 3 Days to make up missed work; Stay focused- no cell phones; Ask questions