•    Mr. Cochran - Health & PE
  • Welcome to Mr. Cochran's
    Health and Physical Education Website



    My goal is to promote lifelong physical fitness for students.  I will provide the tools that students need to become and maintain physically fit throughout their life beyond the doors of School.  At the middle school level we believe in introducing many different activities and games with the hope that each individual will find an activity that they enjoy and want to continue to participate as they get older.   
    Some of our indoor activities include:
    Weight training
    Cooperative activities and group challenges such as the time bomb, hula hoop challenge, partner trust falls, rope swimg, human peg board, etc
    Group games such as flickerball, coneball, team handball, gatorball, pinball, etc.
    Sports such as basketball, volleyball, pickleball, badmitton
    Group Fitness: Yoga, Kick Boxing, Step aerobics, Zumba, Individualized Fitness
    Dance: Ballroom, Hip Hop, swing, and circle/line dancing 
    Some of our outdoor activiteis include:
    Aerobic Activity: walking, jogging
    Sports: Pickle ball, Football, Softball, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, Street Hockey, Frisbee Golf.
    Cooperative games: Capture the flag, Ultimate Frisbee, Tag Games, etc.
    My Health Goal:
    My Goal is to provide a braod spectrum of knowledge concerning important health issues for a middle school student.
    Some of the topics we cover are:
    Human Growth and Development
    Drugs and Alcohol
    Personal Safety
    Social and Emotional Wellness
    Mr. Cochran
    Health & Physical Education
    Head Soccer Coach
    Head Track & Field Coach
    267-893-2700 ext 6304