• Welcome
    Mrs. DiFranceisco's Website

    Visit Canvas for all Virtual Learning plans. 

    Access all other apps at


    VIRTUAL Learning - If you need additional help, go to your online textbook! 

        ConnectEd Directions to access online textbook/resources:

    1. Log-in to your Office 365 account.
    2. Click My Apps.
    3. Click ConnectEd.
    4. Once you are in ConnectEd, Click the MENU button at the top left > Click RESOURCES.
    5. From the resources page, you must select a CHAPTER and a SECTION to access RESOURCES.  
    6. Videos can be accessed through the purple TUTOR button.
  • Elizabeth M. DiFranceisco, M.Ed.
    National Board Certified Teacher 
    Lenape Middle School
    7th Grade Mathematics
    Mathematics Department Coordinator
    NJHS Advisor
    267-893-2800, ext 6374