The Groveland Home & School Association (GHSA) is an all-volunteer, non-profit parent organization dedicated to supporting the students and faculty at Groveland Elementary School. All parents/guardians of Groveland Elementary Students are invited to be active members of this organization.  

    Being involved with the GHSA is a wonderful opportunity to be involved with what goes on at Groveland. Attending meetings and volunteering for committees and events keep you informed about what happens at school. GHSA can only run with volunteers like you!


    Stay up to date with our fundraisers, events and updates on Facebook (. 


    2023-24 GHSA BOARD:

    President - Andrea Wheatley

    Vice President - Stephanie Rundatz

    Secretary - Stacy Creighton

    Treasurer - Dalene Olson

    Assistant Treasurer - Abbey Super

    Fundraising Coordinator - Elisabet Ozias

    Assistant Fundraising Coordinator - Ashley Evancho

    Homeroom Parent Coordinator - Nikki Mackwish


    CONTACT: grovelandhsa@gmail.com