    Processing Strategy: Retitle this Text!
    An easy way to gauge student understanding and comprehension is to ask them to rename a chapter or totle.  If you had to rename this article, what would you title it?  Why?

  • Amber Heere-MacLeod

    The Scientist Within Each Student

    I chose this title because I felt the article was very focused on how to best impact each student. The article gave various strategies to utilize the program in a way that best fit not only the classroom, but each individual student. This article gave numerous examples of how to engage and excited students in each science lesson. Science shouldn't be something that is fit in throughout the day, or something that is quickly explained to students. As this article explained a science lesson can be done in a variety of settings within the classroom and should be through exploration and student inquiry.

  • Mike DeCandido

    Understanding Science Through Inquiry

    This presents a new way to help students understand science- through inquiry. Allowing students to have freedom of experimenting and investigating can allow them to learn, while looking at their interests. It allows the students to create their own path of learning, helping them understand specific content in a various ways. Students learn in different ways, and this allows them to understand content through their own research.

  • Dave Filson

    Science: Taught the Right Way


    I have been teaching science for the last 5 years and this year I am only teaching social studies. In my last district we started to use this program and the kids loved it.  The one thing that I really appreciated about this program is that it is built among the principles of engagement, observation, and most importantly reflection. I have felt like other science programs I have seen really was content driven with not a lot of student engagement and exploration. This is not this case with this program.

  • Lauren Devine

    Title: The Scientific Habits of Mind

    I chose this title because one of the main points the author discusses is a child's "scientific habits of mind", which include utilizing exploration as a means to answer questions, making observations, and communicating findings and understanding both verbally and in written response. Furthermore, I chose this title as a way to address the habits effective teachers needs to acquire in order to successfully instruct students in science. These habits include having students keep science notebooks, using the Science Companion table to maximize opportunities for cross-curricular connections, and designing science lessons tailored to meet the teacher's style of teaching.

  • Sara Creely

    Title: The Scientific Mind: Establishing Science Inquiry in the Classroom

    I picked the title, "The Scientific Mind: Establishing Science Inquiry in the Classroom" because everything you need to know about the implementation of an inquiry-based science program is found within this passage. It gives and overview of how students learn, and provides examples of how to implement hands on activities and cross curricular activities within the classroom to promote student success in all curricular areas.

  • Lauren Smith

    Title: “Building the Whole Scientist”

    I chose this name because I felt like this Science Companion does a great job at touching on different aspects of the student as a whole within the Science classroom. It begins with the curiosity that children naturally have about the world around them, and builds on that with investigations. It then goes through different scientific aspects that children need in order to thrive later in high school Science academics. From communication to observation and even to practicing critical thinking responses, it touches on different skills that students will need to practice in the Science classroom.

  • Jillian Simpkins (Flasher)

    Title: Science Companion: Using Relevant, Interesting, Skills-Based Content to Create Engaging & Meaningful Lessons

    I chose this title because I felt that the "habits of mind" mentioned in the article were all relevant ideas that would provide a positive environment for successful science lessons. Many of the ideas seemed like they would be interesting to students and there were many co-curricular ideas that would provide additional meaning to the lessons. The lesson ideas were very hands on, leading me to use the "skills-based" wording. Overall, the philosophy of the lessons seem like they would be meaningful and provide opportunities for students to be engaged and take away many skills.

  • Elizabeth Detwiler

    Title: Creating an Engaging, Inquiry-Based Science Learning Environment in the Classroom

    I chose this title because this article discusses many components of a particular science curriculum that is supposed to help inquiry-based science learning take place in the classroom. It talks about why it focuses on learning by doing and inquiry-based instruction. It also lists materials that are provided, ways to integrate science into other subject areas, and ways to meet the needs of all students. I chose to describe it as a science learning environment because the article gave many suggestions of ways science can be integrated into many different areas of the curriculum and classroom. Science is not simply a lesson that students listen to but something that they engage in and do. This curriculum also not only wants to teach content but wants to help students develop the skills they need in order to think like scientists.