• Objective and Standards


    Students will…

    • Identify and interpret key ideas about our government found in the US constitution
    • Describe the responsibilities and powers of the three branches of our government
    • Describe how the elected representative bodies function in making local, state, and national laws
    • Describe the primary duties of elected local, state, and national positions

    US Constitution

    Using the media technology of Screencasting, students furthered their learning about the development of our US Constitution and how it has impacted the formation of our nation. The students worked in a small group to create a documentary. Together, they will have to select one of the three possible projects described below. All work was completed in school using laptops. The children and their partners were scored using the Documentary Domain Rubric.


    Project 1

    Essential Question: What are the basic rights and freedoms of the American people?

    Objective: Student will synthesize United States history by creating a documentary which illustrates and narrates the freedoms protected in the Bill of Rights.



    Project 2

    Essential Question: What are the key features of the U.S. Constitution?

    Objective: Student will synthesize United States history by creating a documentary which illustrates and narrates the checks and balances for the branches of the US government.


    Project 3

    Essential Question: What are the key features of the U.S. Constitution?

    Objective: Student will synthesize United States history by creating a documentary which illustrates and narrates the key powers of the three branches of government created by the Constitution.

     To view the videos, please click here (coming soon!).