Communicable Diseases

  • It is imperative that the health office be notified if your child contracts a
    common diseases:

    1. Chicken Pox: Excluded until at least six days after the last outbreak of “pox”.

    2. Conjunctivitis, Acute (“Pink Eye”): Excluded until prescribed treatment has been given for 24 hrs.

    3. Head Lice: Excluded until treated with a pediculocide shampoo and combed for nit removal. A parent is required to accompany the student to the health office with the pediculocide box or container for a recheck after treatment, before the student is readmitted to class.

    4. Impetigo: Excluded until judged non-infective by the child’s physician or the school nurse.

    5. Measles: Excluded until four days from onset of rash.

    6. Mumps: Excluded nine days from the onset or until swelling subsides.

    7. Pertussis (Whooping Cough): Excluded four weeks from onset or seven days from start of antibiotic treatment.

    8. Ringworm: Excluded until judged non-infective by the child’s physician or the school nurse.

    9. Rubella (German Measles): Excluded four days from the onset of rash.

    10. Scabies: Excluded until determined to be non-infective by the child’s physician or the school nurse.

    11. Streptococcal Pharyngitis (Strep Throat and Scarlet Fever): Excluded until 24 hours after treatment has begun

    一本道 Bucks also reserves the right to exclude children from school based on the following criteria:

    1. Illness that prevents the child from participating in activities.
    2. Fever (100° or higher). Students may not return to school until free of fever without fever medication for 24 hours.
    3. Diarrhea or vomiting during the previous 24 hours. Student may not return to school until appetite has returned to normal.
    4. Rash with a fever.
    5. Other conditions deemed appropriate after assessment by the certified school nurse and/or the staff nurse.