• Mr. Errett

    Matierials Engineering I, II, III

    一本道 Bucks High School West  

  • Materials Engineering is highly recommended for students interested in pursuing any career upon graduation. This course provides the basic skills necessary for working with every day materials. Students will develop the ability to select and correctly use tools, materials, and processes to answer questions related to their projects. Students will be introduced to the engineering design process and use it to communicate effectively to solve problems presented in real life situations. Classroom equipment includes a complete wood manufacturing workshop, up-to-date hand tools, and a prototyping lab. The lab features a laser engraver and CNC machine, power tools, wood machines plus other new technologies. Students will participate in problem solving activities where they design, modify, and make a selected project and small construction projects for the community.

  • Email: terrett@cbsd.org

    Twitter: Trent_Errett_CB