

    Positive Student/Community Recognition Plan

    At Jamison, we understand the importance of creating a positive school environment where students are recognized and celebrated. That is why we have a positive student / community recognition plan. After all, our students deserve “nothing less than our best!”


    JET Lunches:

    Once a month, Mr. Heineman will eat lunch with one child per classroom / per grade level. They will eat in the cafeteria in a selected “fancy” area where the students and Mr. Heineman can spend some quality time together. The students are to bring their own lunch. We will supply the fancy glasses, plates, etc…


    We Salute You Award:

    This is a monthly award given to a student that a staff member feels is dedicated to being the best person they can be in all that they do.  This award can be given to a student that goes out of his/her way to help a friend, is a great classmate, and gives 110% in everything he/she does.  This student receives a certificate at our monthly assembly as well as a Jamison Jet T-Shirt. 


    JET Tickets:

    When students are “caught being good” by a staff member, the student will be given a JET ticket. The student must write his/her name on the ticket and circle the appropriate character trait (Respect / Responsibility / Safe Community / Sportsmanship). Students may place the JET tickets in the ticket box located outside of the main office. Three students will be randomly drawn at our monthly assembly and will be given a Jamison Jet T-Shirt.


    Honorary Jets:

    Each month, someone in our JET community will be recognized for all that he/she does to serve the Jamison community.


    Classroom Recognition:

    Each classroom teacher has their own specific way to build a positive classroom climate.